Stone Creek Village Directory

Zebra Robotics

Zebra Robotics

About Zebra Robotics

Zebra Robotics is a pioneer in providing quality learning to students in the field of Robotics and Coding in a fun environment. Our innovative approach to STEM education equips students with the skills and knowledge required in this fast-paced, technology-driven environment. 
Knowledgeable instructors, renowned competition awards, and extensive course offerings set us apart from other similar programs. All of our curricula are made in-house by our experienced and passionate staff. 
Students learn critical thinking, design, and analytical skills through our courses. They also learn soft skills like time management, leadership, perseverance and teamwork, vital to success in any career.
Our Vision
To inspire the next generation of students to be confident, respectful and knowledgeable team players who will strive to solve many of the world’s challenges using technology and STEM concepts.
Our Mission
  • To provide a unique, challenging and fun environment where innovation and collaboration are encouraged.
  • To inculcate teamwork, time management and professionalism in our classes; core skills necessary to compete in internationally recognized competitions and future careers.

Contact Information

(919) 650-6333

Visit Website

1408 Boulderstone Way, Cary, NC 27519


Visit website to schedule classes